
航天员舱外活动中典型动作的分类统计与分析 被引量:5

Classified Statistics and Analysis of Astronauts' Typical Actions during Extravehicular Activity
摘要 目的用统计学方法分析航天员舱外活动(EVA)典型动作工效学问题,为下一步EVA提供参考。方法依据NASA对1965~1997年间EVA的描述,将编年体数据进行编辑,建立数据库,分析EVA典型动作及航天员主观感受涉及的工效学问题。结果统计发现,开关舱门、螺栓连接、连接断开接头、更换设备动作较多;脚限位器固定、沿扶手行走、按按钮、运输货物、敲击动作较少。主观感受中最常见问题是冷;其次是出舱活动累,难度大,工具使用不便;最后是眼睛不适及手套灵活性问题。结论本研究对于EVA相关的任务预研、地面训练、工效实验和航天员动作仿真具有参考价值。 Objective To provide references for future extravehicular activity(EVA) through analyzing the ergonomics of typical actions by statistical methods.Methods According to the description of EVA actions during 1965~1997 of NASA,we re-edited the chronological data and established an access database,basing on which we made detailed analysis on the typical actions and astronaut subjective feelings of ergonomic implications in EVA.Results According to the statistic results of EVA actions,opening and closing hatch door,bolting actions,connecting and disconnecting joints and replacing equipments were frequent,whereas fitting foot limiter,walking along the handrail,transporting goods,pressing button controls and knocking were less frequent.As to subjective feelings,the most common problem was cold.Secondly,the astronauts complained that it's quite difficult and very tired to do EVA actions as well as some of the tools were inconvenient to use.Finally,uncomfortable feeling of eyes and inflexibility of gloves sometimes caused astronauts feel fatigue.Conclusion The results obtained in this paper are helpful in EVA related pre-research tasks,ground training,ergonomic experiments and astronaut motion simulation.
出处 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期366-368,共3页 Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71175021) 北航教改资助项目
关键词 舱外活动 统计学 数据库 工效学 extravehicular activity statistics database ergonomics
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