4cf Helen E S Nesadurai, Globalisation, Domestic Politics and Regionalism, London and New York: Routledge,2003, pp. 138 - 143.
5cf Helen E S Nesadurai, Globalisation, Domestic Politics and Regionalism, London and New York: Routledge,2003, p. 80.
6Helen E S Ncsadurai, Globalisation, Domestic Politics and Regionalism, London and New York: Routledge,2003, p. 82.
7Quoted in Helen E S Nesadurai, Cooperation and Institutional Transformation in ASEAN: Insights From the AFTA Project, in Andrew T H Tan and J D Kenneth Boutin eds. , Non -traditional Security Issues in Southeast Asia, Singapore- Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, 2001, p. 220.
8Far Eastern Economic Review (7 August 1997),P. 39.
9ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Investment Report 1999(Jakarta: The ASEAN Secretariat 1999) , p. 16.
10Helen E S Nesadurai, Cooperation and Institutional Transformation in ASEAN: Insights From tile AFTA Project, in Andrew T H Tan and J D Kenneth Boutineds , Non -traditional Security Issues in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, 2001, p. 220.