
使用Biodex等速测试仪进行踝关节内外翻本体感觉测试的信度研究 被引量:11

Reliability of Biodex System 3 in Proprioception Measurements of Ankle Inversion/Eversion
摘要 目的:探讨使用Biodex system-3多关节等速测试及康复系统(Biodex corporation,Newyork,USA)对踝关节进行内外翻本体感觉测试的信度,为临床应用提供客观依据。方法:由一名测试人员利用同一测试程序分别对40例健康自愿者(被测者)进行踝关节内外翻本体感觉测定,包括主动性关节位置觉,被动性关节位置觉及运动觉;1周后再由另一名测试人员使用同一方法分别对40例被测者进行再次测定。使用组内相关系数(ICC)对所得结果进行信度分析。结果:不同测试人员前后2次对同一被测者踝关节内外翻本体感觉测试的ICC均>0.75(P<0.05)。结论:使用Biodex等速测试仪进行踝关节内外翻本体感觉评定的测试人员间信度稳定可靠,对临床关节功能的评定有指导意义。 Objective: To study reliability of Biodex System 3 in proprioception measurements of ankle inversion/eversion so as to guide clinical application.Methods: Thirty-five health volunteers participated in the study.Two testers used the same evaluation procedure to test these volunteers separately in one-week interval.And the interclass correlation coefficient(ICC) was used to analyze the inter-observer reliability.Results: The ICC of the joint position sense: active(JPSA),joint position sense: passive(JPSP) and kinaesthesia(KT) was more than 0.75(P0.05).Conclusion: The Biodex System 3 is reliable on assessing ankle inversion/eversion.
出处 《中国康复》 2011年第5期347-349,共3页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation
基金 上海市体育局科研项目(09TF019)
关键词 Biodex等速测试仪 踝关节 内外翻 信度 reliability proprioception measurements ankle inversion eversion
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