
地表冻融过程被动微波遥感机理研究进展 被引量:7

Research Advances in Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Freeze-Thaw Processes over Complex Landscapes
摘要 地表冻融过程及参数特征是陆表过程、气候模式、全球变化等研究的重要方面。被动微波遥感由于具有对土壤水分敏感、高时间分辨率等特点,非常适合用于地表冻融过程的监测和相关参数的反演。在分析地表冻融过程被动微波遥感机理研究发展现状的基础上,面向全球范围内大尺度陆表冻融过程微波遥感算法发展的需求,针对由土壤、积雪和植被组合的复杂地表,从基础研究角度,总结凝练了存在的科学问题,为研究工作的深入开展提供了参考思路。 Soil Freeze-Thaw processes and parameters play an essential role in land surface processes,climate models,global change and other critical aspects.Since passive microwave is sensitive to soil moisture,and has a high revisit frequency,it is suitable for the monitoring of soil Freeze-Thaw processes.Research achievements in microwave remote sensing of frozen soil are reviewed and discussed in this paper.According to the research demands including frozen soil radiation simulation and globally monitoring of frozen soil,several current scientific issues are proposed and analyzed.The ability of microwave remote sensing of Freeze-Thaw processes over complex landscapes involving soils,snow cover and vegetation cover is well evaluated.A preliminary research proposal is presented for addressing these issues.
出处 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期1023-1029,共7页 Advances in Earth Science
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目"复杂地表冻融过程被动微波遥感机理研究"(编号:41030534) 国家自然科学基金面上项目"冻土微波辐射有效穿透深度研究("编号:40971195)资助
关键词 冻融过程 微波遥感 复杂地表 Freeze-Thaw processes Microwave remote sensing Complex landscapes
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