
海洋中溶解甲烷的原位检测技术研究进展 被引量:13

The Development of in Situ Sensors for Dissolved Methane Measurement in the Sea
摘要 海水中溶解甲烷气体不但对全球变暖和海洋环境变化有着重要影响,而且也是发现渗漏型天然气水合物赋存区的依据之一,海水溶解甲烷原位监测的新技术和新方法是获取海水甲烷通量变化过程的主要手段。原位甲烷传感器具有原位、实时、便于多时空尺度定量观测等特点,在海洋环境变化和全球气候变化研究,以及海底资源开发利用中具有广泛的应用前景。介绍基于膜脱气、基于光学检测技术和生物传感机理的溶解甲烷传感器的检测原理和特点,探讨原位甲烷传感器研究发展前景,新型膜材料的研发,基于光学检测技术与等离子体共振、表面增强拉曼散射等方法相结合的检测手段将是今后原位甲烷传感器发展的重要方向。 Dissolved methane in sea water not only has a great impact on global warming and the marine environment,but also it is one of the useful methodologies to recognize gas hydrate deposit.It is required to develop novel in situ monitoring technology to observe and to understand the process of methane flux.The advantage of in situ sensors is that it can be deployed underwater to obtain high spatial and temporal resolution information in real time,and that it makes great contribution in the research of marine environment and global climate,as well as in finding marine gas hydrate.This paper overviews the principles and characteristics of in situ methane sensors for marine application and the prospects of the in-situ methane sensor are discussed.It is indicated that the development of new membrane materials and the detection method by combination of optical detection technology with plasma resonance and surface-enhanced Raman scattering method could play an important role for the new generation of the in-situ methane sensor in the future.
出处 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期1030-1037,共8页 Advances in Earth Science
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划项目"深海海底成矿异常流动注射分析仪(FIA)在线探测技术"(编号:2007AA09Z212)和"深海海底边界层原位监测技术(编号:2009AA09Z201) 中海油能源发展股份有限公司北京分公司研究项目"冰型自动图像识别系统研究"(编号:JDBF-XXJS-08-ZC-066)资助
关键词 海水溶解甲烷 原位检测 甲烷传感器 Marine dissolved methane In-situ measurement Methane sensor
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