Harmonia axyridis ab. conspic.ua was one of important predators of Ckaitophorus populeti and C. populialbae. Selection effect of Harmonia axyritis ab. conspicua to Chaitophorus popueti and C. populialbae was investigated in lab. The result showed that change of EGS value and E1 value was from 1 to 0, E, value was in order to decrease between 0 and- 1 during synchronic augmentation of Cluzitopkorus populeti and C. populialbae population. This result indicated that Harmonia axyridis ab. conspicua was more likely to prey on C populialbae. When the quantity of Chaitophomspopuleti was unchanging, but the quantity ofC. populialbae was increased, the result showed that EGS value and E, value was from 1 to 0, E, value was in order to decrease between 0 and-1. It indicated that Harmonia axyridis ab. conspicua was more likely to prey on C. populialbae.When the quantity of C. populialbae was unchanging, but the quantity of Chaitophorus populeti was increased, the result showed that FGS value and Et value was from + 1 to ∞, E4 value was in order to increase between 0 and +1. It indicated that Harmonia axyridis ab. conspiclta was more likely to prey on Chaitophorus populeti.
Liaoning Forestry Science and Technology
Harmonia aaxyridis ab. conspicua
Ctuzitophorus populeti
C. populialbae
selection index