目的探讨执行玉树抗震救灾医疗保障任务官兵快速进驻高原后出现急性高原反应(AHAR)的临床表现、严重程度及其与性别、年龄、文化程度和人员成分的关系。方法采用自制AHAR问卷调查表,记录分析官兵在海拔4200 m的某兵站(地点1)和海拔3720 m的玉树灾区我部驻地(地点2)出现AHAR的临床表现和严重程度,按性别、年龄、文化程度、人员成分进行分组比较。结果进驻高原后,所有官兵均发生不同程度的AHAR,主要表现为心率增快、头痛与嗜睡等症,且海拔越高,AHAR越严重。不同海拔下AHAR的严重程度与性别和文化程度无相关性(P>0.05);随着年龄的增长AHAR的严重程度呈上升趋势(P<0.01);士兵组AHAR的严重程度低于干部组和聘用及其他人员组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论快速进驻高原地区执行抗震救灾医疗保障任务官兵极易出现AHAR,心率增快为首要表现,其严重程度与年龄、人员成分有关,而与性别、文化程度无关。
Objective To investigate clinical features and severity of Acute High Altitude Reaction(AHAR) in troops rapidly deployed to highlands after the Yushu Earthquake,and discuss its relations with gender,age,education level and personnel component.Methods The self-designed AHAR questionnaire was used to analyze clinical features and severity of AHAR in troops deployed at the altitudes of 4200 m and 3720 m in Yushu,and the officers and soldiers were divided by gender,age,personnel component and education level.Results AHAR occurred when the soldiers went to Yushu and their most important clinical symptoms were headache,short breath and hypersomnia,and the severity increased with the altitude.There were no relations between AHAR degree and gender,and education levels in different altitudes(P0.05).AHAR degree increased with age(P0.01).AHAR degree in soldiers' group was lower than that in officers' group,hired personnel group and other groups,and the differences were significant(P0.01).Conclusion AHAR is common among officers and soldiers who were rapidly deployed to highlands during the earthquake relief work and is manifested as increased heart rate first.The AHAR incidence rate is related with age and personal composition but not with education level or gender.
Medical & Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People’s Liberation Army
Altitude disease
Acute disease
Natural disaster