

Word Matching on Handwritten Document Based on GHT
摘要 本文研究了在手写文档中定位目标整词的应用问题。将广义Hough变换的应用范围从图形匹配拓展到文档图像中的单词匹配。利用SIFT算法提取边界特征,将广义Hough变换的投票结果归一化到灰度值范围,形象地给出了单词位置检测的结果。最后将该方法应用到维吾尔文手写文档的整词定位问题中,取得了良好的效果。 This paper presents the study of the target word matching on handwritten document. Generalize Hough Transform (GHT) is introduced into the application of handwritten document analysis. The edge features are extracted by SIFF, and then the voting result of GHT is nomalized into gray values, which help us understand the localization of target word in the document. Finally, the proposed method is applied in word matching on handwritten document in Weiwur language.
作者 韩强
出处 《安徽电子信息职业技术学院学报》 2011年第5期28-30,40,共4页 Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 琼台师范高等专科学校科研项目(项目编号:qtky201020)
关键词 广义HOUGH变换 整词定位 手写文档 Generalize Hough Transform word matching handwritten document
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