
中华文化最高价值视野中的学习评价思路 被引量:3

Learning Assessment Considerations in the Vision of the HighestValue of Chinese Culture
摘要 文化是研究学习评价的一个重要角度。中华文化的最高价值是"崇高"。在中华文化经历了漫长而复杂的变迁之后,崇高这一最高价值仍有必要而且值得传递,但需要更新。体现中华文化最高价值之传递与更新的学习评价思路包括:学习评价要全面地评估学习者的素质,学习评价要充分地促进学习,要提高学习评价本身的崇高性。 One important angle at which we research learning assessment is culture.The highest value of Chinese culture is "loftiness".After the Chinese culture has undergone very long and complex changes,the highest value loftiness still needs and is worth transmitting,but it needs renew.The considerations of learning assessment that embody the transmission and renew of the highest cultural value include:learning assessment should comprehensively assess the learner's quality;learning assessment should fully promote learning;we should raise the loftiness of learning assessment itself.
作者 丁念金
出处 《基础教育》 2011年第5期75-80,共6页 Journal of Schooling Studies
关键词 中华文化 最高价值 崇高 素质 学习评价 Chinese culture the highest value loftiness quality learning assessment
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