
海峡两岸在厦金海域的非传统安全合作研究 被引量:6

A Study on Cross-Strait Non-traditional Security Cooperation on Waters between Xiamen and Jinmen
摘要 海峡两岸在厦金海域开展和加强非传统安全合作,是巩固和推进两岸关系和平发展新局面的客观要求,是建设两岸人民交流合作先行区的现实需要。尽管双方的交流沟通还不尽完善,但海峡两岸在厦金海域开展海洋环境管理、海洋资源开发、防治非法捕捞、打击包括海上走私、海上私渡、海盗等海上犯罪活动、进行海难救助等方面存在非传统安全合作的较大空间。由于两岸关系的特殊性,在厦金海域开展非传统安全合作仍旧必须面对和克服一些现实困境,其中包括管辖权的冲突问题、合作与联系的机制问题、合作协议的签署问题、突发事件的处理问题等。 It is the objective requirements for the Cross-Strait people to develop and strengthen their non-traditional security cooperation on waters between Xiamen and Jinmen so as to further consolidate and promote the relationships and peaceful development on both sides.On the other hand,it is also the actual needs for them to do it if they expect to construct the advantageous region for the exchanges and cooperation.Although the communication between the two sides is far from being perfect,there still exist a lot of fields for people Cross-Strait to promote non-traditional security cooperation on waters between Xiamen and Jinmen such as the cooperation in marine environment management,marine resources,the fight against illegal fishing,the fight against maritime smuggling,illegal immigrants,piracy and other criminal activities at sea and salvage as well.Because of the particularities of Cross-Strait relations,we still have to face and overcome some difficulties in this non-traditional security cooperation including the conflict of jurisdiction,the mechanism of cooperation and communication,the signing of the cooperation agreement and the handling of emergencies,etc.
出处 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 2011年第5期31-39,共9页 Taiwan Research Journal
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"海峡两岸民意变化及其规律性实证研究"(10JJDGJW019) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助 项目编号:2010221078~~
关键词 海峡两岸 厦金海域 非传统安全 Cross-Strait non-traditional security cooperation waters between Xiamen and Jinmen
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