
产科一贯制责任护理模式在妇产科医院的应用研究 被引量:1

The research on the application of continuous primary nursing care model in obstetric unit in the maternity and infant hospital
摘要 目的:在妇产科专科医院实施"产科一贯制责任护理模式",探讨该护理模式的应用对提高住院产妇满意度以及降低产后常见健康问题的影响。方法:470例研究对象随机分为实施一贯制责任护理模式的实验组230例与岗位功能制护理模式的对照组240例。采用孕产妇对产科护理工作满意度量表分别对研究组和对照组的研究对象进行调查。同时,收集两组研究对象的产妇产后尿潴留、奶胀发生率,及出院时、产后6周时的母乳喂养率。采用母乳喂养知识知晓情况量表调查产妇母乳喂养知识知晓情况。采用SPSS14.0软件统计处理,总满意度和各分项满意度,以及母乳喂养知识知晓情况采用t检验;产后尿潴留发生率、奶胀率、母乳喂养率等采用卡方检验来比较差异性。结果:研究组比对照组总满意度及各分项满意度均明显提高并有统计学意义(P<0.001)。实验组比对照组的产后奶胀、尿潴留的发生率明显降低,母乳喂养率及母乳喂养知识知晓情况显著提高。结论:一贯制责任护理模式是一种先进的护理模式,明显提高孕产妇的满意度,并大大减轻了产妇产后常见问题,提高了母乳喂养率,值得推广和借鉴。 Objectives: To explm'e the practicing of a new model which is called continuous primary nursing eare (CPNC) with regard to satisfacticm with nursing care and early postpartum heahh problems for hospitalized pregnant women. Methods: All participants filled out the satisfaction with nursing care questionnaire, hreastfeeding knowledge questionnaire, and early postpartum problem questionnaire. Participants in the CPNC group received continuous individualized primary nursing care and partieipants in the control group which is called task-centered nursing care model (TCNC) received task-centered nursing care during their perinatal period as routine. 470 hospitalized pregnant women partieipated in the study with 230 pregnant women in the CPNC group and 240 in TCNC group. Questionnaire data were collected, calculated, and statistically analyzed using independent t tests or x2 tests. Results: Participants in the CPNC group partieirted significantly higher satisfaction with nursing care, had more breasffeeding knowledge, and were more fikdy to breast-feed than those in the TCNC group. Participants in the CPNC group also showed a significantly lower ~x'currenee of postpartum urinary retention and breast discomfort than those in the TCNC group. Conclusions: Practieing continuous primary nursing care. was significantly more effective than practicing traditional task-centered nursing care for hospitalized pregnant women in increasing satisfaction with nursing care, enhancing breastieeding, and reducing early postpartum problems.
出处 《中国医院》 2011年第11期52-54,共3页 Chinese Hospitals
基金 上海市申康医院发展中心2008年"临床优化管理"课题(SHDC2008613)
关键词 一贯制责任护理模式 岗位功能制护理模式 孕产妇满意度 产科护理 产后健康问题 cntinuous primary nursing care modeltask-centered nursing care model,patient satisfaction obstetric nursing, postpartum problems
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