Objective To analyze the termination of the multiple wavelets to stop the atrial fibrillation (AF). Methods Nine patients accepted sinus impulse dredging procedure, among them 7 were mitral valve replacement (MVR). These patients were followed up for 1-13 years by electrocardiogram and echocardiography for the heart rhythm and kick function of the left atrium atrial fibdllatian. Results Seven patients were followed up for 7-13 years. Among all patients, there were cardiac function level Ⅰin 5 cases, level Ⅱ in 4 eases, sinus rhythm in 2 cases, class sinus rhythm in 7 cases, AV-B Complication level Ⅲin 1 case, cardiomyopathy progress in 1 case and renal insufficiency in 1 case. The value of atrial A/E peak was 0.3 in 2 cases, 0.4 in 4 cases, 0.5 in 2 cases and 0.6 in 1 case. There were premature or paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia of the number 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 patients in 1 - 2 weeks. Conclusions Sinus impulse dredging procedure is an effective operation to terminate the multiple wavelets. If the multiple wavelets are terminated, the atrial fibriUatlon will be cured. But the rhythm is permanent super ventricular rhythm after sinus impulse dredging procedure. There may be arrhythmia originating from the same bursting point.
China Medicine
Atrial fibrillation
Sinus impulse dredging procedure
Multiple wavelets
Supraventrlcular tachycardia