
杯形陀螺压电片粘结胶层对谐振子振动特性的影响规律研究 被引量:5

Research on Adhensive Layer and Its Effects on Vibtation Characteristics of Resonator and PZT of Cupped Gyro
摘要 针对杯形陀螺上压电陶瓷的粘胶问题,本文建立了基底-胶层-压电片层压板有限元模型,通过Ansys软件对模型进行仿真和分析,并对分析结果进行实验验证。重点研究了粘胶层厚度、材料特性、以及胶层中有缺陷等因素对谐振子的Q值、输出增益、频率裂解的影响。结果表明:粘胶层对谐振子的谐振频率影响不大,减小胶层厚度、保证胶层弹性模量在一定的范围尽量提高胶层硬度有利于提高谐振子振动特性,并在提高粘胶层抗剪切力方面进行了探索。研究结果为进一步提高杯型陀螺性能提供了参考。 Focused on the bonding of the piezoelectric ceramic of the cupped gyro,we established a finite element model of base-layer-piezoelectric laminate film,the model was simulated and analyzed by Ansys,and the analysis was tested by experiments.The Q-factor,output gain and frequency of cleavage of resonator which were effected by the thickness of adhesive layer,material properties and defects in adhesive layer were detailedly analyzed.It is shown that the adhesive layer has little effect on the resonator frequency,but great effect on the resonator vibration characteristics.Reducing the thickness of the adhesive layer,enhancing the hardness of the adhesive layer under a certain range of elastic modulus can improve the resonator vibration characteristics,at the same time,we have explored how to improve the shear resistance of the adhesive layer.The research work provides reference to improve the performance of the cupped gyro.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期1248-1252,共5页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51005239) 国防科技大学技术创新项目(JC09-03-3)
关键词 陀螺 谐振子 有限元模型 粘胶层 振动特性 gyro resonator finite element model adhesive layer vibration characteristics
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