

Civil and Military Officials in the Late Qing Dynasty:Re-appraising Historical Figures in Modern Times
摘要 "清流"若是八股之下士人内心扭曲的亢奋,"洋务"则为夕阳中当权者妥协的变通,做为清末"士大夫"楷范的张之洞,以"清流"入仕,兴"洋务"畅仕,然"臣民"的自身定位,使他始终无法从配角转化为主角,只能被动的择世而行;袁世凯小站练兵,拉开"北洋系"指点江山的序幕,但武人长于施威,乏于布德;遇乱世若一味持强,则如饮鸩止渴,饱则即亡。张之洞和袁世凯一文一武,于南北间刚柔相济,但面对错综复杂的时局,困顿中求生的民族,也于彷徨间两难。 Zhang Zhi-dong, the model of the scholar-bureaucrats in the late Qing Dynasty, Chinese science is his main source while western science is his the soul, his coat and his political momentum for the new life. This shows that the "golden mean "is his laws of nature on the officialdom. If the "Qing nobleness" is the inside distorted excitement under the Bagu, Westernization Movement will be the accommodation to the compromise of the authorities. Zhang Zhi-Dong come into the officialdom with the character of Qing nobleness, and promoting Westernization Movement. But his status of being subjects of a feudal ruler can't make him change himself from the supporting actor to the leading one. He has to be selected passively by the times. Yuan Shi - kai's military training at a small station is the historic starting of" Northern line " . A military man is more skilful at force, less in management; If people keep strong consistently in the troubled times, it would be Eke " drinking poison to quench thirst". Faced with this complex situation, the whole national is seeking for the survival in a predicament and common people are wandering in dilemma. Zhang Zhi - Dong and Yuan Shi - Kai i in the North and the South couple the hardness with softness. The two people washed away the old things silently on the Audience Chamber, from which all the great changes can be heard and sensed in the subtle way.
作者 赵鹏
出处 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第5期101-103,共3页 Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
基金 齐齐哈尔大学研究生创新项目
关键词 清末 张之洞 袁世凯 the late Qing Dynasty Zhang Zhi-dong Yuan Shi-kai
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