
农民工随迁子女异地中考政策研究 被引量:35

Policy Research on High School Entrance Exam of Migrant Workers'Children in Local Working Places
摘要 在党和政府高度关注和努力下,农民工随迁子女的义务教育问题逐步得到了解决,随之而来的,是农民工随迁子女在流入地继续接受更高阶段教育的客观需求。当前,大部分城市的高中教育资源相对短缺,加上制度和现实环境等因素,农民工随迁子女很难在流入地继续升学。满足规模巨大的农民工随迁子女继续接受教育的需求,需加强教育需求情况调研,做好异地中考政策规划;引入教育券,解决教育经费在区域间的"支出流动"问题;以职业教育作为推进异地中考政策的突破口,在城市向农民工随迁子女全面开放免费中等职业教育;改革户籍制度,剥离附着于户籍上的各种福利与管理功能;改革高考制度,形成中考、高考配套的政策体系;创新高中阶段办学模式,建立健全高中阶段教育成本分担机制与投入机制。 With great attention and effort of the Party and government, the situation of compulsory education of the migrant workers' children has been gradually improved. However, the subsequent objective demand of migrant workers' children on receiving high school education has come into being inevitably. At present, with the relatively shortage of the resources of high school education in most of the cities, and the factors of the institution and actual environment, the migrant workers' children are hard to enter high school in local working places. To satisfy the demands of the large scale of the migrant workers' children to receive education unceasingly, we should strengthen the research on the status of educational demands, and appropriately plan the policy of high school entrance exam in local working places ; introduce education voucher and solve the problem of "expenditure migrant" of the funds for education; take vocational education as the breakthrough to push forward the experiment of policy of high school entrance exam, and comprehensively carry out the free senior high vocational education for migrant workers' children in cities; reform household registration system, and strip down all benefits and administrative functions that adhere to household registration; reform college entrance examination, and formulate the policy system integrating high school with college entrance exam; innovate school running mode in the stage of high school, establish and improve the mechanisms of educational cost-sharing and investment.
作者 吴霓
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第11期3-12,共10页 Educational Research
关键词 农民工随迁子女升学 异地中考 政策研究 school entrance of migrant workers' children, high school entrance exam in local working places, policy research
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