
中国集体林产权制度改革主要政策问题研究(续) 被引量:15

The Key Issues on Reform of Collective Forestland Tenure in China
摘要 采取分层抽样技术,在全国选择了9个省(区)、18个县作为案例县,在回收县级调查表18份、村级问卷和调查表159份、农户调查表和问卷2419份、大户调查表234份的基础上,对新一轮集体林权制度改革的有关情况及历次集体林产权改革情况进行了对比分析,判断了新一轮改革的本质,分析了制度改革的短期绩效。调查表明:改革带来农户山林面积普遍增加、集体林经营税费负担降低、样本农户收入及林业生产投入增加、林地流转价格上升、林业投资吸引力增加等政策效应。调查也发现:改革后林地细碎化现象严重、生态公益林经营出现新的问题、大企业对林地多有侵蚀、改革配套措施有待完善、林业合作组织滞后又过于急速推进、林业行业服务不足、县乡财政运行困难等问题。通过问卷调查和实证研究,提出了相关政策建议。主要政策建议包括:建立集体林地产权动态电子地图,林业机构人员向第一线倾斜,促进林业合作社平稳发展,尽快做到"加大两项投入、建立健全五项制度",创新林权抵押贷款,推进林业保险,规范林地流转,保护林农切身利益,适度控制租赁公司规模及经营行为,完善生态公益林补偿政策。 Stratified random sampling was used,9 provinces or autonomous regions were selected,and two sampling counties were chosen in each province or autonomous region.After the field trip,we have got responses of 18 sampling counties,159 villages and 2419 sampling households and 234 forest large-scale households.New round reform of collective forestland tenure and the reform of Household responsibility in early 1980s in the collective forest regions are compared.By using these sampling data,we find the following short-term performs of the reform of collective forestland tenure: larger forestland managed by individual households,higher households' income and labor and capital inputs,higher forestland rent has existed compared with the period before the reform of collective forestland tenure.Some urgent issues after the reform of collective forestland tenure should be considered,such as land fragmentation,forestland management for ecological purposes,forestland managed by large-scale forest enterprises,the following policy and institutional changes,forest cooperative development.We suggest that: 1) e-map of collective forestland tenures should be developed;2)more forest staff should be allocated for the township forestry station;3) forest cooperative development should be encouraged;4) governmental inputs should be increased;5) the following policy and institutional changes should be updated;6) collective forestlands for ecological purposes should be of high priority.
出处 《林业经济》 北大核心 2011年第9期17-25,共9页 Forestry Economics
基金 世界银行和中国政府共同资助的“中国经济体制改革项目(TCC5)”子项目“中国集体林产权制度主要政策问题研究”(编号:A15~09)
关键词 集体林权制度改革 短期绩效 政策研究 建议 the reform of collective forestland tenure short-term performance policy research policy suggestions
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