
学龄前儿童IgY免疫防龋疗效观察 被引量:3

Two-year curative effect observation of immunoglobulin Y antibody used in immunization against dental caries
摘要 目的探讨IgY对乳牙的被动免疫防龋作用,为防治学龄前期儿童乳龋提供依据。方法将杭州采荷大地学前教育集团幼儿园3岁儿童280名,随机分成实验组和对照组各140人;实验组使用含防龋抗体IgY的口腔喷剂,对照组使用不含防龋抗体IgY的口腔喷剂。分别在使用前和使用后1 a,1.5 a,2 a检查乳牙患龋状况。结果实验前和实验后1 a,1.5 a,2 a的患龋率实验组分别为57.1%,62.9%,64.3%和66.4%,对照组分别为56.4%,73.0%,77.9%和81.4%;龋均实验组分别为2.0,3.1,3.3和3.5,对照组分别为2.6,3.7,4.0和4.5;龋面均实验组分别为3.8,6.6,6.8和6.9,对照组分别为4.8,8.0,8.3和8.8。实验组患龋率、龋均和龋面均显著低于对照组(P值均<0.01)。结论 IgY能有效抑制儿童乳牙龋的发生,对龋病有预防作用。 Objective To investigate the effect of IgY in immunization against dental caries and to provide evidence for dental caries in deciduous teeth among preschool children. Methods An experimental study was carried out among 280 pre-school children aged 3 in a kindergarten in Hangzhou. The children were randomly divided into experimental group and control group, 140 children each group. The experimental group were given oral spray containing IgY, while the control group were given oral spray without IgY. The caries condition of deciduous teeth were checked and recorded after one year, 1.5-year and two years respectively. Results The caries prevalence rate, average dmf, average dmfs index of pre-study, oneyear post-study, one and half year post-study, 2-year post-study was as follows: the prevalence rate of caries in experimental group was 57.1%, 62.9%, 64.3% and 66.4%, in the control group the prevalence rate was 56.4% , 73.0%, 77.9% and 81.4%. The average dmf of experimental group was 2.0, 3.1, 3.3 and 3.5 ; in the control group, the average drnf was 2.6, 3.7 w 4.0 and 4.5. The average dmfs was 3.8, 6.6, 6.8 and 6.9 in experimental group and 4.8 , 8.0, 8.3 and 8.8 in the control group. The caries prevalence rate, average dmf, average dmfs index of the experimental group reduced statistically significant comparing to the control group ( P〈0.01 ). Conclusion IgY can effectively suppress the incidence of caries and prevent deciduous teeth from caries.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第9期1068-1069,共2页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 龋齿 抗体 治疗结果 儿童 学龄前 Dental caries Antibodies Treatment outcome Child, preschool
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