目的分析甘肃省跌倒/坠落病例流行病学特征,为开展有针对性的干预措施提供依据。方法收集2010年甘肃省9家伤害监测哨点医院伤害监测数据,对其中跌倒/坠落病例进行描述性分析。结果 2010年共报告跌倒/坠落病例6908例,占所有伤害上报病例的35.68%。跌倒/坠落是甘肃省各年龄组第1位伤害原因,5~岁组儿童、65~岁老年人、离退休人员、家务人员、文盲/半文盲和小学文化程度人群伤害发生原因中跌倒/坠落发生比例高于其他人群。跌倒/坠落发生高峰为8月份、10月份及上午10:00时。跌倒/坠落主要发生在休闲活动中,发生场所主要是家中、公共居住场所、学校与公共场所。伤害性质以挫伤/擦伤为主,下肢占伤害部位的比例最高,伤害严重程度以轻度为主,伤害结局以治疗后回家为主。结论跌倒/坠落是甘肃省第1位伤害原因,儿童和老年人是防治工作的重点人群,应根据各自的特点采取相应防治措施,开展有针对性的干预工作。
OBJECTIVE To get the epidemiological features of the falls injjury and to provide the evidence for intervention. METHODS Data from 9 injury surveillance hospitals in Gansu in 2010,and Excel 2003 and SPSS 11.5 software were used for data processing and statistical analysis. RESULTS There were 6 908 fall inury cases,accounting for 35.68% of all injury cases.The first cause is the falls in each age groups in Gansu. Falls proportion in inury causes of 5~year of age,65~year of age,retirees,housework people,illiteracy/semiliterate, primary school culture level than other age gruops. The peak time of falls happend were Aug,October and 10AM.Recreation activities is themajor acitivity when falls took place. The major palces where falls occurred were:home,Public residences, school and public palces.The most common nature of ijury was bruise,and the most common injuried position was the lower limbs.Most of the injuries were minor ones,and patients mostly went home after treatmet. CONCLUSION Fall is the first cause of injuries in Gansu,children and the elderly are the key crowd for prevention and control.The effective measures shoule be carried out for falls injury control.
Chinese Primary Health Care