The National Engineering Laboratory of High-Speed Railway system and the Brake System Laboratory of High-Speed EMU are built by China Academy of Railway Sciences. The laboratory is a testing research and innovation platform with internationally advanced level for high-speed EMU braze system. The study test, performance test and reliability test for bake system and key components of high-speed EMU can be achieved with the speed up to 3004500 km/h. the brake system platform of high-speed EMU is an im- portant part of the laboratory. The up-to-date and key technologies of high-speed EMU braking system are studied. And characteristics matching test, joint system test and validation test of computer-based electro-pneumatic braking system can be performed in the labora- tory. Also the performance test, reliability test and validation for the key pneumatic and electrical components of high-speed EMU brake system can be clone on the platform.
Railway Locomotive & Car