

Positive Analysis on the Impact of Environmental Regulation in China to Attract Foreign Direct Investment
摘要 虽然环境规制对外商直接投资存在影响,实证中这种影响不确定,原因之一就是没有考虑在研究期政策的阶段性差异。文章从考虑阶段性差异入手,发现不同时期环境规制对外商直接投资的影响是不同的,前期FDI是出于产业转移的内在经济驱动力,不是为了逃避环境规制,而后一时期可能是为了规避环境,但环境规制不是影响外商直接投资的主要因素。从整体上看"污染避难所"不存在,但存在这方面的倾向。 Although environmental regulations affect FDI,this effect is uncertain. One of the reasons is that the phase difference of the policy is not considered into the study. This paper conducts the empirical study from phase difference. The results showed that the effects of environmental regulations on FDI during different periods were different. The first stage of effect on FDI is the inner - econo- my - driven force from industrial transfer rather than avoiding the environmental regulation. The second stage of effect on FDI may be the result of avoiding environmental regulation which, however, is not the main factor. On the whole, the hypothesis of pollution haven does not exist in china but with this kind of tendency.
作者 陈秋锋
机构地区 惠州学院经管系
出处 《惠州学院学报》 2011年第5期43-46,共4页 Journal of Huizhou University
基金 广东省环保局招标项目(51066F-3) 广东社科青年项目(09E-20) 惠州市社科项目(A5O90108)
关键词 环境规制 外商直接投资 国内生产总值 environmental regulations foreign direct investment GDP
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