
维持性血透患者频发透析相关心律失常的原因及防治方法 被引量:3

Cause and Prevention of Cardiac Arrhythmias Occurred Frequently in Patients with Maintenance Hemodialysis
摘要 目的探讨维持性血液透析患者在透析期间频发心律失常的原因及防治方法。方法选择131例维持性血透患者,观察3个月,回顾性分析血透过程中频发心律失常(≥6次/3个月)患者的发生情况及其原因,并予以相应处理。结果 45例患者频发心律失常,共血液透析1551例次,发生心律失常323例次,发生率20.83%,心律失常类型以室性期前收缩、房性期前收缩、窦性心动过速和心房颤动为多。发现伴有年龄偏大、透析后低血钾、贫血、心肌缺血等因素的透析相关心律失常的发生率更高。结论透析相关心律失常频繁发生与患者年龄偏大、合并贫血、心肌缺血、透析后低血钾等多种因素有关,积极纠正诱发透析相关心律失常的危险因素,可避免或减少透析相关心律失常的频繁发生。 Objective To investigate the cause and methods of prevention and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias occurred frequently in patients with maintenance hemodialysis ( HD ). Methods The data of 131 HD patients during the dialysis in three months were analyzed retrospectively on frequent cardiac arrhythmogenesis ( ≥ 6 times per 3 months ) and its causes. Results The incidence of frequent cardiac arrhythmias in the dialysis patients was 20.83%. The premature ventricular, atria premature 13eats, sinus tachycardia and atrial fibrillation were common in the arrhythmias events. The risk of arrhythmias correlated with the patient' s age, hypokalemic of post-dialysis, anemia and myocardial ischemia. Conclusion The causes of arrhythmia in the HD patients were various. The arrhythmias during dialysis might be preventive and treatable if the risk factors were positively reduced.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2011年第31期19-20,60,共3页 China Modern Doctor
基金 浙江省温岭市科技局立项基金项目(2010WLCA0067)
关键词 血液透析 心律失常 终末期肾病 Hemodialysis Cardiac arrhythmia End-stage renal disease
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