

Twenty-five Case Studies on the Treatment of Calcaneal Fracture with Help of the Plastic Titanic Alloy Plates
摘要 目的探讨利用可塑性跟骨钛板加植骨术治疗跟骨骨折的临床疗效。方法应用可塑性跟骨钛板加植骨术治疗跟骨骨折25例SandersⅡ~Ⅳ型骨折,测量术前、术后的Bohler角、Perie角并进行分析比较,随访12~40月,并按Maryland足部评分标准评定功能。结果术后Bohler角、Perie角均恢复良好。按Maryland足部评分系统SanderⅡ型优占8例,良占1例,优良率达90%;Ⅲ型优7例,良2例,占75%;Ⅳ型优1例,良1例,优良率占66.7%。总体优良率占80%(20/25)。结论说明可塑性跟骨钛板加植骨术是治疗跟骨骨折的有效方法。 Objective To study the clinical therapeutic effect of using with the plastic titanic alloy plate for internal fixationof the calcaneal fracture.Methods Twenty-five calcaneal fracture cases of Sanders classificationⅡ ~ Ⅳ were treated with the plasitic titanic alloy plates for internal fixation.Bohler Bohler angle and Perie angle were measured and analized and compared in prooperative and postoperative.All of the 25 cases were followed up for 12-40 months and therapeutic effect were evaluated according to Maryland Foot Score System.Results showed that both of the Bohler angle and the Perie angle recovered very well in accordance with Maryland Foot Scoes.Based on the Maryland′s Foot Scores,there were eight excellent cases and one good case in the Type Ⅱ.The excellent and good rate was 90%;there were seven excellent cases and two good cases in the Type III,The excellent and good rate was 75%;there was one excellent case and good case in the Type IV.The excellent and good rate was 66.7%.The total excellent and good rate was 80%(20/25).Conclusions Thus it is an effective treatment method to graft the calcaneal fracture using the plastic titanic alloy plates.
作者 马健
出处 《山西大同大学学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第5期55-57,共3页 Journal of Shanxi Datong University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 跟骨骨折 跟骨钛板 内固定 植骨术 calcaneal fracture titanic plate internal alloy fixation bone grafting method
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