5State Department Memorandum of Conversation, "The President's Meeting with Foreign Minister Schumann in New York", 19 September 1969, National Archives, SN 67 - 69, Pol Fr- US.
6Memorandum from Henry Kissinger to President Nixon, "The US Role in Soviet Maneuvering Against Peking", 29 September 1969, National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials Project, National Security Council Files, box 337,HAK/Richardson meeting May 1969 - December 1969.
7Memorandum from Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Marshall Green to Under Secretary of State Elliot Richardson, "Next Steps in China Policy", 6 October 1969, National Archives, SN 67 -69, Pol Chicom- US.
9Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, Office of Current Intelligence, "Sino - Soviet border Talks:Problems and Prospects", 10 November 1969, CIA FOIA release to national Security Archive.