Objective To explore the effect of applying improved stomach tube fixation on stroke patients. Methods Randomly divided 587 stomach tube retention patients received and cured in our department from January, 2009 to June, 2011 into two groups: the control group with 293 cases and the experimental group with 294 cases. The control group were treated with traditional fixation of medical tapes or rubber tubes and straps, while the experimental group were treated with disposable transfer line knotting fixation. Observation is made on comfort, cleanness, the rate of dropping, cost, operation time, and incidence of skin damage. Results There was statistical difference between the two groups ? indicators (P〈0.05). The experimental group had a higher degree of comfort, lower rate of dropping, lower cost, less operation time, and lower incidence of skin damage than the control group. Conclusion The new ap- proach of fixation is more secure, more available, pleasing to the eye, simple, practicable, comfortable, clean, time-saving, has lower rate of dropping, and cost less. The new approach should be widely used.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News