Based on the statistical data of cultivated land and ground water in Kashghar,we analyzed the changing characters of cultivated land and ground water and it's correlation for last decade.The results showed that:①The cultivated land area showed fluctuated increasing trend in last decade,it's annual increasing rate was 3.04%,average occupation of cultivated land area went through a course of gradually increasing,annual increasing rate was 1.14%.The spatial disparity of the cultivated land changes was significant.The variation rate of cultivated land area in Barquk County was large,annual variation rate was 11.49%,however,The variation rate of cultivated land area in Yopurgha County was small,annual variation rate was 1.08%.②the regulation of ground water depth was as fallows: ground water level of upper reach of Zarapshan river and Kashghar river was deep;whereas ground water level of middle and lower reaches was shallow.The average dropping depth of ground water was 0.55m,average dropping level of ground water in Kashghar river watershed was 0.85m,average dropping level of ground water in Zarapshan river water shed was 0.52m in the last decade.The difference between the highest and lowest ground water level in a month was 0.37m,in Kashghar river watershed the difference was 0.55m,in Zarapshan river watershed the difference was 0.0.23m.The highest water level occurred in April,and the lowest water level occurred in Jun-July.③Correlation between cultivated land area and ground water level was negative.Correlation at the end of the year between cultivated land area and ground water level was-0.87,Correlation at the end of the year between new cultivated land area and ground water level was-0.77.Human factors played the most influential role in annual and seasonal variation of ground water level.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
oasis cultivated land
ground water level
changing characters
ground water level response