
论会计信息系统演进对会计人行为的影响 被引量:4

The Influence of the Accounting Information System's Evolution on the Accountant's Behavior
摘要 会计信息系统的演进带来了会计思想、会计组织体系以及会计人行为的变革。从心理学的视角,探讨了影响会计人行为的因素,进而从会计行为动机和会计行为规范两个方面研究了会计信息系统演进过程中会计人会计行为的演进。 The accounting information system' s evolution brought the change of accounting thinking, accountingorgnization system and the accountant' s behavior. From a psychological perspective, the factors affecting accountant' s behavior is discussed. The evolution of accountant' s behavior during the process of accounting information system evolution are researched from the motivation and normalization of accounting behavior.
作者 申亚楠
出处 《经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第11期117-120,共4页 On Economic Problems
关键词 会计信息系统(AIS) 会计人 会计行为 演进路径 accounting information system accountant accounting behavior evolution path
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