
keymanticES:数据空间中的语义关键字实体查询机制 被引量:2

keymanticES:Semantic Keyword Entity Search Mechanism in Dataspaces
摘要 由于数据空间自身的特点使得数据空间中的关键字查询与Web上和关系数据库上的关键字查询有着很大的差别,已有的关键字查询技术不能完全满足和适用数据空间环境.关键字查询的简略性和无结构性所带来的模糊语义,无法准确地理解用户的查询意图使得查询结果不能很好地满足用户需求等.本文提出一种数据空间中的语义关键字实体查询机制keyman-ticES,着重介绍了关键字查询意图消歧的方法从而较好地解决了关键字查询的语义模糊问题,提高了关键字查询的准确率.实验结果表明所提出方法的有效性和正确性. Due to specific features of dataspaces keyword search in dataspaees is different from those in web and in relational databases. Some existed keyword search techniques can not be applied or satisfy completely in datasapces environment. The ambiguous semantic caused by simple and unstructured features of keyword search is hard to understand user's query intent and satisfy user's informarion requirement. This paper proposes a novel semantic keyword entity search mechanism: keymanticES in dataspaces, and focuses on query intent disambiguates of keyword search which effectively resolves the semantic ambiguous problem and improves the precision of keyword search. Experiments results show the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed appproach.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期2158-2162,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60973021 61003059)资助
关键词 数据空间 实体关联关系 语义关键字查询 查询意图 dataspaces entity association semantic keyword entity search query intent
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