
基于时间状态的敏捷自主在轨服务航天器协同运动规划方法研究 被引量:3

Research on cooperative motion planning of agile and autonomous onorbit servicing spacecraft considering time
摘要 面对未来工业化、军事化太空对空间体系在轨服务的需求,并兼顾敏捷自主在轨服务航天器自身和所在复杂空间环境等特点,对多敏捷自主在轨服务航天器系统的协同运动规划问题进行研究.利用以平动、转动和时间为状态的改进快速搜索随机树运动规划方法,对服务系统中各航天器灵巧、精确的协同运动进行规划.仿真算例检验了该方法的有效性,结果表明它能够满足敏捷服务航天器系统在一定约束条件下按指定时间到达指定地点的协同运动要求,并且面对此类高维运动规划问题具备一定的规划效率. According to the requirements of on-orbit system servicing in the future industrialized and military space,the cooperative motion planning of multiple agile autonomous servicing spacecrafts system is studied with complicated space environment.The improved rapidly-exploring random tree method considering the state of translation,rotation and time,is used for cooperative motion planning of servicing spacecrafts' accurate motion.This planner satisfies the requirement of agile and autonomous spacecraft maneuvering with complex constraints.The simulation results show that this high-dimensional motion planner can obtain the feasible motion trajectories and the computational efficiency is high.
出处 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期1699-1705,共7页 Control and Decision
关键词 敏捷航天器 在轨服务 协同运动规划 随机树 高维运动 agile spacecraft on-orbit servicing cooperative motion planning random tree high-dimensional motion
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