
橘白、橘络、橘叶、化橘红、青皮与陈皮的挥发油成分比较分析 被引量:6

Orange White,Orange Network,Orange Leaves,Orange-red,Blue and Orange Peel in a Comparative Analysis of Volatile Oil Components
摘要 目的:研究药材橘白、橘叶、橘络、化橘红、青皮、陈皮的挥发油成分。方法:利用气相色谱-质谱法分离检测和采用交互移动窗口因子分析法(AMWFA)对这些药物的挥发油成分进行比较分析,以寻找这六味药材挥发性化学成分的异同。结果与结论:分别定性鉴定出的橘叶、橘白、化橘红、橘络、青皮和陈皮挥发油组分数分别为60、29、27、63、52和47,分别占总含量的89.40%、93.13%、94.44%、91.80%、98.98%和97.90%。 Objective:To study medicine orange white,orange leaves,orange network,orange-red,blue,orange peel volatile oil components. Methods:Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry separation and detection and the use of interactive moving window factor analysis(AMWFA) method on the volatile oil components of these drugs were compared to find that Liu Wei volatile chemical constituents of medicinal similarities and differences. Results:In total,60,29,27,63,52 and 47 volatile chemical components in volatile oil of FCR、 ACR 、ECG、CCR、PCRV and PCR,were determined quantitatively,separately accounting for 89.40%,93.13%,94.44%,91.80%,98.98%和97.90% in the total contents of volatile oils respectively.
出处 《亚太传统医药》 2011年第10期33-36,共4页 Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
关键词 橘叶 橘白 化橘红 橘络 青皮 陈皮 挥发油 保留指数 交互移动窗口因子分析法 FCR、 ACR 、ECG、CCR、PCRV 、PCR Volatile Oil Retention Index AMWFA GC/MS
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