
OlympusCrystaleye比色仪比色结果可重复性及准确性研究 被引量:5

Repeatability and Accuracy of A New Dental Spectrophotometer Shade-matching Device Olympus Crystaleye
摘要 目的评价Olympus Crystaleye分光光度计比色仪测色结果的可重复性及准确性。方法使用Crystal-eye分光光度计对固定在模拟暗盒的VITAPAN classical比色板A1色片、VITAPAN 3D 1M1色片、1颗离体左中切牙以及常规测试条件下1名志愿者的左中切牙的切端、体部、颈部3个部位进行重复测色20次,分别记录其L*、a*b、*值,并计算L*、a*、b*平均值。次日用相同方法再重复测量20次,同一测试对象再次测量结果与前次计算的L*、a*、b*平均值进行比较,计算各组平均色差值△E,评价比色仪的可重复性。用两种比色片3个部位、40次重复测量得到的120个测色结果与实际比色片色调间的符合率来评价比色仪的准确性。结果模拟暗盒的VITAPAN classical比色板A1色片、VITAPAN 3D 1M1色片、1颗离体左中切牙以及常规测试条件下1名志愿者的左中切牙的切端、体部、颈部3个部位平均色差值△E范围为0.45~0.82,均小于可辨色差1.70。VITAPANclassical比色板A1色片、VITAPAN 3D 1M1色片颜色匹配的准确率分别为95.85%、97.50%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.517,P>0.05)。结论 Crystaleye分光光度计比色仪具有较高的可重复性及准确性。 Objective To evaluate the repeatability and accuracy of a new dental spectrophotometer shade-matching device,Olympus Crystaleye.Methods A1,1M1 shade guide,one isolated left central incisor fixed in the blinded-box,and one left central incisor from a volunteer were included in this experiment.Olympus Crystaleye was used to measure them with repeating of twenty times.The color parameters(CIE1976 L* a* b*)of incisal,body and cervical of each sample were recorded.The next day,the same test was repeated,and the results of the same object was compared with the average L* a* b* value before,each △E was calculated.Then the 120 different areas color records of A1,1M1 shade guide were tested forty times and compared to the standard value.The matching rates of correct shade were calculated,and the two rates were compared with chi-square test.Results In the four groups,the △E ranged between 0.45-0.82,all less than 1.70.The matching rate of correct shade in A1 was 95.85%,whereas 97.50% was obtained in 1M1.Conclusion The repeatability and accuracy of Olympus Crystaleye colorimeter could be acceptable clinically.
出处 《广东牙病防治》 2011年第10期513-515,共3页 Journal of Dental Prevention and Treatment
基金 广东省医学科学技术研究基金资助项目(A2009102)
关键词 比色仪 色差 可重复性 准确性 Shade-matching device Chromatism Repeatability Accuracy
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