目的探讨关节镜下不可吸收缝线结合Endbutton钢板固定治疗儿童胫骨髁间棘骨折的手术方法和疗效。方法对13例儿童胫骨髁间棘骨折患者行关节镜下复位,用不可吸收缝线结合Endbutton钢板对骨折块行内固定。结果 13例均获随访,时间14-23个月。无切口感染、关节强直等并发症发生。X线片显示13例均达解剖复位,术后膝关节Lachman征和抽屉试验均为阴性。伤膝关节活动度与健侧一致,关节稳定。结论关节镜下不可吸收线结合Endbutton钢板固定儿童胫骨髁间棘骨折是一种安全、有效的术式。
Objective To evaluate the efficacy and operation techniques of treatment of the fracture of tibial intercondylar eminence in children with non-absorbable suture and Endbutton plate under arthroscopy.Methods Totally 13 cases of tibial intercondylar eminence fractures underwent reduction and internal fixation under arthroscopy.The fracture was reduced and fixed with non-absorbable suture and Endbutton plate.Results 13 cases were followed up for 14~23 months.No infection or ankylosis occurred.The X-ray findings showed 13 cases got anatomic reduction.Knee Lanchman and drawer test were negative,the activity of injury knee was consistent with the contralateral one,and joint stability was good.Conclusions Treatment of the fracture of tibial intercondylar eminence in children with non-absorbable suture and Endbutton plate under an arthroscopy has advantages of minimal trauma,simplicity and early rehabilitarion.In addition,the non-absorbable suture fixation can provide stability,and does not damage epiphyseal plate.
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics