

Climatic Characteristics and Service Emphasis during Middle School Student Sports Meeting in Baotou City
摘要 利用包头市区1951—2010年历年7月气温、降水、日照、天气现象及1991—2010年历年7月自记风等气象资料进行统计分析,揭示包头市区历年7月基本气候特征。分析结果表明:7月份是包头市区一年中最热的月份,97%年份的最高月平均气温、87%年份的最高月平均最高气温、60%的年份的年极端最高气温出现在7月份,46%年份的月最多大雨以上降水日数、60%的最多月雷暴日数、40%年份的最多月降水量和冰雹日数均出现在7月份。7月中旬前后副热带高压雨带逐渐北抬至河套地区,暖湿气流强盛,开始进入主汛期,高温、降水和强对流天气明显增多,它们的到来不仅给"中运会"带来影响,还会给人们的生产和生活带来灾难。通过总结7月份包头市区气候状况,提出重点关注和防御的重要天气过程,以此达到警示和预防的作用。 Using the analysis of meteorology data of temperature,precipitation,sunshine,weather phenomenon in July of calendar years in Baotou city from 1951 to 2010 and the wind data in July of calendar years from 1991 to 2010.The climatic characteristics of Baotou city were analyzed in July of calendar years.The results showed that July was the hottest month a year.The highest monthly mean temperature of 97% years,the highest monthly mean high temperature of 87% years,and the annual highest temperature of 60% years appeared on July.The maximum precipitation days of heavy rain of 46% years,the most thunderstorm days of 60% years,the most hail days of 40% years appeared on July.The rain belt of subtropical high moved toward north gradually to Hetao area.Warm wet air current was strong.It was flood season and high temperature precipitation and strong convection weather were more.It not only brought effects to sport games but also brought disasters to people.This paper proposed to note this important weather by the weather conditions of Baotou city on July for alarming and preventing.
机构地区 包头市气象局
出处 《内蒙古气象》 2011年第4期50-52,共3页 Meteorology Journal of Inner Mongolia
关键词 中运会 气候特征 服务重点 middle school student sports meeting climatic characteristics point of service
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