

Challenges and Inspirations of Globalization to Theory of Law Choice Concerning Torts
摘要 全球化是一系列的多维度的社会过程,其最重要的特征在于全球社会各个方面的相关联性,从而使全球社会的各方面结合为一个相互关联的紧密的整体。全球化的一个重要问题是法律全球化,它主要包括全球法律的统一化、全球法律的趋同化与多元化、以及法律的本土化三种主要理论,其实法律全球化是一个统一化、趋同化、多元化与本土化相结合的复合的过程。全球化对侵权法律选择理论的挑战主要表现在侵权法律选择理论的主权基础与属地属人连结点选择方法两个方面。由于全球化背景下的法律多元化已经超越了主权与法律属地效力范围这个条件,法律选择的属地和属人因素被重新思考并纳入新的内涵,基本的观点是:属地性因素只有在具有地域适用范围的实体法的选择中才具有重要意义;属人因素在法律选择中不仅适用的范围超越了资格或能力等问题,也包括法律关系本身,而且必须考虑属人法在多元化法律中的当事人多重身份及其对法律选择的重要意义。 Globalization is a series of multi-dimensional social process.Its most important feature is its connectivity of all aspects of the global community,which are closely integrated into a whole.One of the important issues of globalization is legal globalization,which mainly includes the theory of legal unification,the theory of the trend to legal converge,and legal localization.In fact,legal globalization is a compound process of legal unification,harmonization,diversification and localization.The challenges of globalization to theories of law choice concerning torts mainly manifest themselves in two aspects as the sovereign basis and its territorial and personal connectors.As legal diversification against the background of globalization,has transcended the prerequisites of sovereignty and its territorial and personal operative domain,territorial and personal connectors have been endowed with new meanings in choice of laws,namely,territorial factors have their significence only when the substantive law has its territorial operative limits in torts choice-of-law,while personal factors have their significence not only in the field of qualification and capacity but also in legal relations in choie of law process,and the multi-membership of the parties with their significence in the choie of applicable law should be seriously considered.
作者 谌建 马德才
出处 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第3期55-64,共10页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 全球化 法律多元化 法律选择 挑战 启示 globalization legal pluralism choice of law challenges inspiration
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