
开发商囤地的原因、危害与治理对策 被引量:1

Analysis of the Reason,Harm and Countermeasure of Real Estate Developer Regrating Land
摘要 开发商囤地是指开发商为了获取暴利而对土地采取的一种有意储集行为。本文首先对开发商囤地的原因和危害进行了深入分析,随后提出了治理开发商囤地的对策。结果表明,获取巨额囤地收益是开发商囤地的根本原因,法律法规不完善以及执法不严则是开发商囤地的重要原因和直接原因;开发商囤地最直接的危害是造成土地资源浪费,同时还会导致房价高涨、调控失灵等一系列社会经济问题;而打击开发商囤地要从去除国民经济对房地产业的过多依赖、切断开发商囤地收益链条、完善法律法规以及降低地方政府对土地财政的依赖四个方面着手。 Real estate developer regrating land is an subjective deposited behavior for acquiring sudden huge profits. The paper analyses the reason and harm deeply, and points out some countermeasure to deal with regrated land. The result indicates that the basic reason of real estate developer regrating land is for acquiring sudden huge profits, the important reason of real estate developer regrating land is faulty law and regulations, the direct reason of real estate developer regrating land is not executing the law and regulations sternly. The direct harm of real estate developer regrating land wastes a mass of land resources, at the same time,it also induces housing price to rise quickly and make real estate adjustive-manipulative policy inefficient. The treatment of real estate developer regrating land needs to bring into effect four aspects measures such as removing national economy depending on real estate industry, stumping the profit chain of real estate developer regrating land, perfecting law and regulations, and reducing the degree of local government finance depending on the income of land remising.
作者 朱红波
出处 《广东土地科学》 2011年第4期45-48,共4页 Guangdong Land Science
基金 2009年度教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(批准号:09YJC790195)
关键词 开发商囤地 原因 危害 对策 Real estate developer regrating land reason harm countermeasure
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