目的分析2010年河南省登封市布鲁氏杆菌病的流行特点,为防治提供科学依据。方法收集2010年患者个案资料,利用SPSS 13.0软件对检测数据进行统计、分析。结果 2010年确诊病例56例,发病人群主要为农民,病例集中在4~6月。结论河南省登封市布病疫情呈上升趋势,局部地区存在暴发流行的可能性。
Objective To analyze epidemiological characteristics of brucellosis in Dengfeng City in 2010 so as to provide scientific basis for prevention and control of brucellosis.Methods Data of patients with brucellosis in 2010 were collected to carry out statistical analysis with software SPSS 13.0.Results Fifty-six cases were diagnosed as brucellosis.Peasants were the dominant patients.Cases concentrated on the months from April to June.Conclusions The epidemic tendency of brucellosis is up in Dengfeng.There is possibility of outbreak and epidemic of brucellosis in some local areas.
Bulletin of Disease Control & Prevention(China)