
英语学习者前缀派生词认知加工机制实验研究 被引量:4

An Empirical Study of Chinese EFL learners' processing of English prefixed derivational words
摘要 采用掩蔽启动技术探讨中国英语学习者前缀派生词的认知处理机制。实验采用2(外语水平:高水平和低水平)×3(启动条件:词素相关,词素无关和词素全同)的混合设计,因变量为反应时和错误率。结果表明:启动条件的主效应显著,外语水平的主效应显著,但这两者的交互作用未达到显著性水平。被试不能实现在线的分解加工,他们是以整词的形式将含re-前缀的派生词储存在大脑当中,并且这种加工机制独立于语言水平的影响。实验结果支持陈述—程序记忆模型和浅层结构假设。 Adopting masked priming technique,this study aims to investigate how Chinese EFL learners process English prefixed derivational words.In a mixed design of 2(English proficiency:high and low levels)×3(priming conditions:Morphologically related,Morphologically unrelated and Identity conditions),RTs and error percentage are recorded as dependent variables.The results show main effects of group and priming condition,but no interaction of the two variables is found.The experiment indicates that Chinese EFL learners fail to decompose prefixed derivational words online,and they tend to memorize the whole unanalyzed words in their mental lexicon.This processing mechanism is observed not to be affected by their EFL proficiencies.The Declarative-Procedural Model and Shallow Structure Hypothesis are validated.
作者 魏大为
出处 《兰州交通大学学报》 CAS 2011年第5期125-129,共5页 Journal of Lanzhou Jiaotong University
关键词 掩蔽启动 分解 存储 masked priming decomposition storage
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