
维生素D血浆浓度与氟替卡松对COPD患者肺功能的影响 被引量:1

The Level of vitamin D in Blood Plasma and Fluticasone to the Change of Pulmonary Function in Patients with COPD
摘要 目的探讨25-羟维生素D血浆浓度与吸入性糖皮质激素对COPD患者肺功能影响的关系。方法 120例重度COPD患者于初入院时进行气量测定以及清晨禁食采集血样标本,用高效液相色谱法检测25(OH)D水平;而后每日2次,每次使用500μg氟替卡松,50μg沙美特罗,疗程4周。4周后再检测第1秒用力通气量及其改变,抽取血样,检测25(OH)D水平。治疗前后测量第1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1),与25(OH)D血浆水平进行相关性分析。结果 25(OH)D血浆浓度水平平均为(23.3±9.3)ng/mL.在COPD患者中普遍维生素D缺乏,约占40%。对氟替卡松起效的患者体内25(OH)D水平偏高,在使用氟替卡松4周后,第1秒用力通气量有明显改善。结论 25(OH)D血浆水平与患者对氟替卡松的敏感性有关,并可提高第1秒用力通气量,提高1秒率,改善肺功能。 Objective To explore the relationship of the pulmonary function of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) with serum levels of 25 ( OH ) D and fluticasone. Methods A total of 120 exsmokers with severe COPD (mean forced expiratory volume in one second ( FEV1 ) 1.07 L, 36% of predicted ) spent 4 weeks free of any ICS, followed by 4 weeks of ICS use ( fluticasone propionate 500 μ g twice daily ). Spirometry was performed prior to and after 4 weeks of ICS use. Blood 25 ( OH ) D levels were measured prior to ICS use and examined for relationships to changes in FEV1 following the 4 weeks of ICS use. Results The mean 25 ( OH ) D level was ( 23.3 ± 9.3 ) ng/mL. There was a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency ( 40% ). The high 25 ( OH ) D level can changes in FEV1 following 4 weeks of ICS. Conclusion According to that high serum levels of 25 ( OH ) D contribute to the variation in short-term FEV1 responses to fluticasone, it can increase the pulmonary function ( FEV1 was more than before treated ) in patients of COPD who was sensitivity to the fluticasone.
作者 詹松标
出处 《中国现代医生》 2011年第30期49-51,共3页 China Modern Doctor
关键词 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 吸入性糖皮质激素 氟替卡松 维生素D 沙美特罗 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) Inhaled corticosteroid, Fluticasone Vitamin D Spirometry
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