目的分析心力衰竭患者不同的药物治疗方案对缓解心力衰竭症状和提高生存率的关系和影响。方法对我院2007年6月~2010年12月83例心力衰竭患者药物治疗方案进行回顾性分析。结果心力衰竭患者药物治疗方案以洋地黄、利尿剂、血管紧张素Ⅱ受体拮抗剂或血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂、β受体阻滞剂等四类主要药物组成。在2008年以前患者主要采用以洋地黄和利尿剂为主的治疗方案,能改善心力衰竭患者症状,2009年后主要采用以血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)和β受体阻滞剂为主的治疗方案两种治疗方案比较具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 ACEI和β受体阻滞剂对心力衰竭患者有较好的治疗效果,在患者无禁忌证的前提下,应作为首选药物。
Objective To analyze patients with heart failure of different drug treatment programs to alleviate heart failure symptoms and improve survival of patients with and influence. Methods In 83 cases of drug treatment in heart failure patients were analyzed retrospectively the hospital in June 2007 to December 2010 . Results The patients with heart failure drug treatment programs to digitalis, diuretics, angiotensin II receptor antagonist or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, β -blockers such as the four major drugs. Before 2008 were mainly to digitalis and diuretics-based treatment programs, can improve symptoms of heart failure patients, mainly after 2009 with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor ( ACEI ) and β-blockers for the the main treatment options and greatly improved patient outcomes and patient survival, two kinds of treatment more significant differences with statistical significance (P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion ACEI and β -blockers for heart failure patients have a better therapeutic effect in patients without contraindications, under the premise should be the drug of choice.
China Modern Doctor
Heart failure
Drug treatment programs