研制PACS服务器日志分析软件Pa rseLog,实现服务日志的精准高效分析,为日常维护工作提供强有力的分析工具,确保PACS系统的平稳运行。首先分析日志记录的特点,围绕文件传输、记录解析、数据统计等问题,设计了ParseLog软件的功能架构。然后应用Winsock文件传输、Cube多维数据统计、MsChart二维曲线图绘制等技术实现了该软件。最后对部分应用图例进行分析,阐明统计意义。
In order to improve the analysis accuracy and efficiency of PACS log, enable the system runs smoothly, the log parsing & analyzing software called ParseLog was developed. At first, a novel software infrastructure was designed based on describe in broad detail the characters of log, list some key components of ParseLog including the transfer of log files, the parse of log block and the statistic of log data. Then, many advanced techniques had been extensively used in ParseLog, such as file transfer approach with winsock, multi-dimensional analyzing with data cube, and statistic visualization with MsChart ActiveX control. At last, some typical statistical charts were introduced. The software is successfully applied in our hospital and gets satisfactory results. Application of this software facilitates the operation of PACS log and enhances the efficiency of system maintenance.
China Digital Medicine