
论奥斯汀·克拉克《锃亮的锄头》和《更多》中的戏仿互文与反讽互文 被引量:3

Parodic Intertextuality and Ironic Intertextuality in Austin Clarke's The Polished Hoe andMore
摘要 奥斯汀·克拉克的小说《锃亮的锄头》和《更多》中的戏仿互文和反讽互文是对原始文本的一种颠覆,它们成为作家抵抗霸权话语的一种叙事策略。《锃亮的锄头》戏仿和反讽了欧洲经典文本、神学画像、教育及饮食文化,其中渗透着有关殖民历史和奴隶制的互文文本;《更多》则揭示了欧美时尚、教育机构的本质以及新形式下文化霸权和种族主义的互文内涵。这种后殖民抵抗叙事策略旨在颠覆"西化"了的文化霸权,揭示西方历史叙事的意识形态本质,重构殖民地被殖民的历史。 Challenging and subverting the original texts,Austin Clarke has adopted the parodicintertextuality and ironic intertextuality in The Polished Hoe and More as his narrative strategies ofpostcolonial resistance to hegemonic discourses.The Polished Hoe,intertwined with the intertextsof colonial history and slavery system,is a parody and satire of European classical works,mytho-logical iconographies,education and cuisine culture.More reveals the true colour of Europeanand American fashions and educational institutions,and discloses the intertextual reference coatedin the new form between cultural hegemony and racism.Clarke's narrative strategies of postcolo-nial resistance are intended to subvert the Westernized cultural hegemony,expose the ideologicalnature of Western historical narrations and reconstruct the history of how colonies have been colo-nized.
作者 秦旭 何丽燕
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期80-85,共6页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 《锃亮的锄头》 《更多》 戏仿互文 反讽互文 The Polished Hoe More parodic intertextuality ironic intertextuality
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