The ban on Lolita has been lifted for a long time,yet we have not academically andlogically refuted the reasons for which it was banned in the first place.We need to explain whyreaders are charmed and moved by the apparently abhorrent incestuous and pedophilic story of theprotagonist Humbert.The popular view that Lolita is amoral misses the point altogether and de-motes the novel to purely a bravura of literary techniques.A close reading of the text reveals thatHumbert,though a sinner,is not an absolute villain.Casting away misunderstandings of the char-acter,one can easily see that Humbert does not do what he does on his own will all the time.During his downfall,there are moments when his moral conscience shines through,and through-out the story,there is a sense of moral commitment.It is just this kind of spiritual power thatmoves the reader.Humbert,who is far from morality incarnate,provides profound moral inspira-tions.
Foreign Literature Studies