目的探讨湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)治疗儿童足部绞伤致皮肤缺损的临床疗效。方法早期局部清创,外涂MEBO,厚1 mm,包扎治疗,每日换药1次。结果 15例患儿全部治愈,且无功能障碍。结论全身抗感染综合对症治疗,创面外涂MEBO可有效控制创面局部感染,促进"间生态"组织复活,祛腐生肌,改善微循环,有利于局部软组织及皮肤再生、修复。
Objective Objective: To observe the clinical effect of MEBO in the treatment of skin defec.t of pediat- ric foot wringer injury. Methods After local debridement of injured limb at the early stage, MEBO is applied to the wound with thickness of 1 mm and bandage is conducted. Results All of the 15 eases were healed without limb dysfunc- tion. Conclusion Comprehensive treatment including anti-infection and external application of MEBO can control local wound inteetlon, promote the revival of semi-viable tissue, eliminate necrotic tissue, promote tissue regeneratiun, improve microcirculation and accelerate phvsinlogical regeneratinn and retpair of local soft tissue and skin.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers