
不同物种TYRP2基因完整编码区生物信息学分析 被引量:6

Bioinformatics Analysis of Complete Coding Regions of TYRP2 Gene among 21 Species
摘要 应用生物信息学和比较基因组学方法,比较分析了人、毛猩猩、绵羊、牛、猪、马、犬、斑马鱼、大熊猫、小家鼠、褐家鼠、鸭嘴兽、非洲爪蟾、原鸡、绿头鸭、斑胸草雀、黑猩猩、恒河猕猴、狨、灰短尾负鼠和兔21个物种TYRP2基因完整编码区(CDS),并对其遗传多样性、分子系统发育、编码蛋白的氨基酸序列、信号肽、跨膜结构域、疏水性/亲水性、二级结构等进行了预测。结果表明,从21个物种的42条基因序列检测到741个多态位点,共生成26种单倍型。物种间TYRP2基因序列编码区存在较丰富的遗传多样性,物种内该基因序列编码区则存在较强的保守性。TYRP2基因密码子有较强的偏爱性。根据核苷酸歧异度和遗传分化系数对物种的亲缘关系进行分析,结果表明,人与黑猩猩亲缘关系最近,小家鼠和褐家鼠亲缘关系最近。TYRP2基因多肽存在信号肽,有跨膜结构域,表现为疏水性,二级结构的主要组成元件为无规卷曲和α螺旋。 In this study,the CDS of the TYRP2 gene sequences of Homo sapiens,Pongo abelii,Ovisaries,Bos taurus,Sus scrofa,Equus caballus,Canis familiaris,Danio rerio,Ailuropoda melanoleuca,Mus musculus,Rattus norvegicus,Ornithorhynchus anatinus,Xenopus,Gallus gallus,Anas platyrhynchos,Taeniopygia guttata,Pan troglodytes,Macaca mulatta,Callithrix jacchus,Monodelphis domestica and Oryctolagus cuniculus was analyzed using the method of bioinformatics.The genetic diversity,amino acid sequences,signal peptide,trans-membrane topological structure,hydrohobicity or hydrophilicity,and secondary structure were also analyzed.The results showed that a total of 741 polymorphic sites were detected from 42 sequences of 21 species,from which 26 hapolotypes were sorted.There was rich genetic diversity of the CDS of the TYRP2 gene among species,but it was conservative within species.The results also showed that TYRP2 was trans-membrane protein with signal peptide,and the polypeptide presented hydrohobicity,the main motifs of predicted secondary of TYRP2 were random coil and alpha helix.
出处 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期144-148,共5页 Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
关键词 TYRP2基因 遗传多样性 系统发育 多肽信息 动物毛色 TYRP2 gene Genetic diversity Phylogenesis Polypeptide information Animal coat color
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