
熵理论在中医药临床中的应用 被引量:2

Disussion on Entropy Principle and Application in Chinese Medicine Treatment Disease
摘要 目的:探讨熵理论在中医药临床中的应用。方法:通过熵理论概念的介绍,并回顾展示中医临床传统方剂的应用,寻找熵理论与中医临床理论的结合点。结果:熵理论在中医传统方剂中具有广泛的科学体现。结论:熵理论客观地融入中医临床,对中医的标准化、现代化,必将产生深远而积极的影响。 Objective:To discuss the principle of entropy increase in Chinese medicine theory of application.Methods:Through the introduction of the concept of entropy theory,and review the traditional Chinese medicine clinical show the application of prescriptions,looking for entropy increase principle and the theory of traditional Chinese medicine clinical combining site.Results:In traditional Chinese medicine theory of entropy increase in prescription has extensive scientific reflect.Conclusion:If you could art and objective principle of entropy increase in traditional Chinese medicine,Chinese medicine clinical to the standardization and modernization,it will have far-reaching and positive effects.
机构地区 河南职工医学院
出处 《中医学报》 CAS 2011年第11期1308-1309,共2页 Acta Chinese Medicine
基金 河南省教育厅自然科学研究资助项目(编号:2011C150004)
关键词 物理化学 熵增原理 中医药学 physical chemistry entropy entropy increasing prinple chinese medicine
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