Peroxidase isozyme patterns in two A-genome diploid species, ten D-genome diploid wild species and three 2(AD)-genome allotetraploid species within the genus Gossypium were analyzed by vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing. The interspecific relationships in each genome group indicated by zymograms were largely consistent with the conclusion derived from morphological, cytological and genetical studies except that G. gossypiotd-es, G. thurberi and G. trilobum showed quite different patterns from other member of D genome but similar to A genome species.Comparative studies between enzyme mixtures of root and leaf extracts from diploid species and natural allotetraploids suggested that G. darwinn, G. barbadense and G. hirsuium were evolved from an ancestral genome composed of A and D subgenomes, and that it was G. rai-mondii rather than G. thurberi or G. trilobum which most likely contributed the D subgenome. The feasibility of using peroxidase isozyme to study interspecific relationships and the origin of allotetraploids in Gossypium was discussed.
Gossypium, Tetraploid, Peroxidase isozyme, Polyacrylamide gel electrop-horesis, Isoelectric focusing, Zymogram, Synthetic mixture