
基于市场绩效的中国互联网产业良性发展实证研究 被引量:2

Is Chinese Internet Industry Growing in a Sound Way——An Investigation of Market Performance
摘要 由于互联网产业迅猛发展以及本身所具有的特性,互联网产业呈现出寡头垄断市场结构,这样的市场结构是否损害了竞争进而影响了互联网产业市场绩效的提升呢?从静态的资源配置效率和动态的技术进步两个角度对中国互联网产业的市场绩效进行了研究,结果发现:无论是资源配置效率还是技术进步,中国互联网当前的寡头垄断的市场结构并没有妨碍到市场创新和提升用户的满意度,中国互联网产业总体发展是良性的。 Due to the radical development and inherent characteristic of internet industry,the internet market in China has stepped into a stage of oligarch monopoly. Under this condition, will the performance of internet industry be hurt by the re- duction of competition in the market.9 Drawing on the perspectives of resource allocation efficiency and technology progress, the authors investigate the market performance of internet industry in China.The results indicate that oligarch monopoly in the market has no significant influence on resource allocation efficiency and technology progress ,and it does no harm to innovation and customer satisfaction in the industry. Therefore, the internet industry in China is growing in a sound way generally.
作者 刘茂红
出处 《科技创业月刊》 2011年第14期32-34,37,共4页 Journal of Entrepreneurship in Science & Technology
关键词 互联网产业 市场绩效 资源配置效率 技术进步 internet industry, market performance, resource allocation efficiency, technology progress
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