

The approximation algorithm with two layer relating probability restraint programming problem
摘要 探讨了二层概率约束规划问题的稳定性.得出了当随机向量序列{ζ(k)(ω)}分布收敛于ζ(ω)时,相应于{ζ(k)(ω)}的二层概率约束规划问题的最优值收敛于原问题的最优值. The stability of two layer probability restraint programming problem was discussed.It was obtained that optimal values of {ζ(k)(ω)} with two layer probability restraint programming problem converge to optimal values of the original problem when random vector sequence {ζ(k)(ω)} distribution converge to ζ(ω).
作者 叶中华
出处 《纺织高校基础科学学报》 CAS 2011年第3期333-337,共5页 Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities
关键词 概率约束 稳定性 逼近算法 随机向量 probability restraint stability approximation algorithm random vector
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