目的探讨延髓背外侧综合征病变血管部位及性质及临床表现,探讨二者关系。方法将5例临床确诊的延髓背外侧综合征病人行头颅MRI检查及全脑血管造影检查。结果 60%病例并非是小脑后下动脉闭塞而是椎动脉狭窄。结论血管病变部位及性质是决定本病临床表现的关键因素。
Objective The purpose of the study was to evaluate the diagnosis of Wallenberg Syndrome by DSA. Methods 5 patients with Wallenberg Syndrome were examined by the head MRA and DSA.Results 60% of the pathological changes were caused by bertebra artery stricture. Conclusion The position and feature of blood vessel pathological changes were important prognostic factor in the patiens with Wallenberg Syndrome.
Contemporary Medicine