"Body Narrative" is a potential content and attitude in the text of Xiao Hong. The female body is not only to be the "Life and Death" of Xiao Hong's works, but also to be the basic sources to acquire connotation and meaning of the novel. Xiao Hong seemed to have extraordinary enthusiasm about her own emotions and female's fate. The female's unique body experience and perspective has become her fundamental tool of taking up the text structure. Birth, illness and death are the unique perspectives for writers to explain female body narrative. The links and conflict between women and male-dominated society and even the whole leading ideology turned into the body paradox. This Woman writer made "the deadly fly" with a ironic gesture; she achieved identity on body and sexuality in the space of language revel and memory. It was in such a way that language of the carnival in the space and memory got the body and gender. In such a way Xiao Hong wrote herself into the text-as she was embedded in the texts of the world and history through her own struggle.
Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
life and death
The Hu Lan River Biography
body narrative