
HIV相关脑痴呆BOLD fMRI运动功能成像 被引量:5

Study of blood oxygenation level dependent imaging of HIV-associated dementia
摘要 目的:应用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)研究正常健康受试者及HIV相关脑痴呆患者的右手运动功能区并且探讨其应用价值。方法:10例HIV相关脑痴呆患者和8例健康受试者,设计右手相关运动功能实验,采取右手抓握运动方法,结合患者情况分析早期认知运动功能损伤的皮质位置区域和激活情况。结果:正常健康受试者右手运动功能区多位于左侧(对侧)初级躯体感觉运动皮层(SMC)、初级运动皮层(M1)、对侧辅助运动(SMA)、躯体感觉相关皮层以及同侧小脑。HIV患者同侧SMC有激活,对侧主要激活区域基本相同,但激活程度减弱、区域范围减小、像素数降低。结论:fMRI是一种检测HIV相关脑痴呆神经系统损伤的有效工具,为临床早期诊断提供了有效的途径。 Objective:Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) ,to study the motor function area of right hand in healthy volunteers and patients with HIV-associated dementia (HAD), furthermore, to investigate the value of clini- cal application. Methods:10 HAD patients and 8 healthy volunteers were included in this study. Right hand gripping motion was designed as the experiment of motor function. The cortical area of early recognition of impaired motor function as well as their activation were analyzed. Results: The main activation map of the right hand motor area of healthy group were main- ly located in left (contralateral) primary somatosensory motor cortex (SMC) , primary motor cortex (M1), contralateral ac- cessory motor area (SMA), somatosensory cortex and homolateral cerebellum. HAD patients showed activation of homolat- eral SMC and the areas of eontralateral activated areas were basically alike, yet the degree of activation weakened, the area diminished and the number of pixel lessened. Conclusion: fMRI is a useful technique to examine the HIV neurocognitive deft cit, furthermore to provide an early effective diagnostic approach.
出处 《放射学实践》 北大核心 2011年第10期1028-1031,共4页 Radiologic Practice
关键词 人类免疫缺陷病毒 脑疾病 磁共振成像 Human immunodeficiency virus Brain diseases Magnetic resonance imaging
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